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Recommended Books

Psychology and Behavior

​The Molecule of More


  • Why do you overtrade?

  • Why can't you step away when you're nicely in profit?

  • Why do you take trades even when you know the market isn't favorable?

The Chimp Paradox


  • Why do you go on-tilt?

  • Why do you sabotage your trading?

  • Why do you make stupid trading decisions?

​The Psychology of Trading


  • General trading psychology by Brett Steenbarger, a well know psychologist who as worked with trading firms such as SMB Capital and Kingstree.

Trading in the Zone


  • A highly regarded book for becoming consistent in your trading.

Trading and Strategies

Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar


  • Strategies and setups by the well regarded day trader Al Brooks.
  • This is an earlier consolidated version of his three later books; Trends, Reversals and Ranges.  I've only read this one.  Apparently the three later books are better edited.

Advanced Techniques in Day Trading


  • A good foundation on trading price action.

  • Unlike Al Brooks, this one is much easier to read!


Reminiscences of a Stock Operator


  • Autobiography of the famous trader Jesse Livermore.

  • Reads like a story book, but with extremely valuable insights into tape reading, swing trading and market manipulation.

  • Just as relevant today as the 1900s.

Market Wizards


  • Jack Schwager interviews top traders.

  • Excellent insight into how different people trade the markets.

  • Entertaining read.

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